LoL Support Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7)

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LoL Support Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7) 1

Prepare to reign supreme in the bot lane with your ADC duo with our League of Legends guide for the best support Champions!

Welcome to our guide on the best support champions in League of Legends! Whether you’re a seasoned support main or looking to expand your champion pool, this article has your back.

In the action-packed world of bot lane battles, having the right support can make all the difference between victory and defeat. We’ve carefully curated a list of the most reliable, versatile, and impactful support champions to help you dominate the bottom lane and lead your team to success.

Updated on April 16, 2024: We ensured that the current tier list is up-to-date and relevant for all players. We will continue to update this tier list with the latest League of Legends patch and in-game item or meta changes.

League of Legends Support Champions Tier list

S+ Janna, Nami, Taric, Braum, Poppy
SPyke, Brand, Leona, Rakan, Senna, Sona,
AShaco, Bard, Zac, Fiddlesticks, Tahm Kench, Rell, Sylas, Velkoz, Thresh, Lux, Maokai, Seraphine
BHeimerdinger, Xerath, Camille, Renata Glasc, Neeko, Pantheon, Twitch, Lulu
CAshe, Nautilus, Yuumi, Karma, Teemo
DHwei, Swain, Ezreal, LeBlanc, Milio

Top 10 Best League of Legends Support Champions

5. Braum

LoL Support Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7) 2

Are you looking for a support that could tank damage like a true pro? Look no further than Braum. This Champion lets you receive damage, protect your bot laner, and easily stun enemies!

When picking Braum in the bot lane, consider pairing him with ADCs who benefit from his crowd control and protection. Jinx’s high damage output and lack of mobility make her vulnerable in fights, but Braum’s crowd control and protective abilities can keep her safe and enable her to dish out damage safely.

4. Janna

Being a good support is not only for seasoned LoL players; it could also be for players just starting their League journey! This beginner-friendly support Champ stuns and displaces enemies with her Q ability. Unlike other shielders, Janna’s shield ability can shield both turrets and teammates! 

Ardent Censer provides Janna with bonus ability power, cooldown reduction, mana regeneration, and a passive that grants bonus attack speed and on-hit damage to allied champions.

3. Nami

LoL Support Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7) 3

Do you want to play like one of the best Supports in LoL pro play, Keria? This is T1’s Support’s top pick in the last LCK Spring finals against GenG. Nami brings a versatile skill set that combines crowd control, sustain, and utility, making her a valuable asset in the bot lane. 

Nami’s passive,  Surging Tides,  grants bonus movement speed when she moves towards an ally.  She can also share her mana with them, which is incredibly helpful for champions who burn through mana quickly.

2. Poppy

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Another LCK Spring final Champion in the hands of GenG’s Lehends, Poppy is a support that brings much value to the team, even beyond the bot lane. 

In terms of matchups, Poppy can excel against enemy supports with strong engage or mobility. Champions like Leona or Alistar may struggle to engage on Poppy’s team when she can easily disrupt their dashes and jumps. Her passive, Iron Ambassador, grants her a shield and a ranged auto-attack after using an ability, allowing her to trade effectively in lane and absorb incoming damage.

1. Taric

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If your team runs a comp with a “softer” bot lane, consider Taric one of the best supports. Taric’s abilities revolve around bolstering defenses for himself and his allies. His Q, “Starlight’s Touch,” heals himself and a nearby allied champion, providing sustain during laning phase and team fights.

Taric works exceptionally well with hyper carries like Kog’Maw, Vayne, or Twitch. His ability to provide them with shields, heals, and invulnerability greatly enhances their survivability and allows them to deal damage more freely in team fights.

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