LoL Bot Lane Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7)

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LoL Bot Lane Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7) 1

It’s time to boost your rank with a winning streak in the bot lane! Dive into our Bot Lane Tier List and discover the best bot lane champions in League of Legends Patch 14.4.

Are you ready to dominate the bot lane and claim victory on the Summoner’s Rift? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we unveil the League of Legends Best Bot Lane Champions Tier List for Patch 14.4

Every patch brings a new wave of balance adjustments, allowing champions to climb or fall the ranks. But have no fear—our guide is here to help you navigate the shifting tides of the meta and ensure you have the skills and tactics necessary to succeed in the bot lane.

Get ready to show off your abilities with your teammates and friends as we explore League of Legends’ Best Bot Lane Champions Tier List for Patch 14.4. 

Updated on April 16, 2024: We ensured that the current tier list is up-to-date and relevant for all players. We will continue to update this tier list with the latest League of Legends patch and in-game item or meta changes.

League of Legends Bot Lane Champions Tier list

S+Senna, Seraphine, Kog’Maw, Veigar, Jinx
S Draven, Miss Fortune, Varus, Nilah, Vayne, Samira
ALucian, Tristana, Jhin, Ashe, Nilah,
BYasuo, Ziggs, Twisted Fate
CKalista, Zeri, Caitlyn, Xayah, Sivir
DKai’Sa, Smolder, Ezreal

Top 5 Best League of Legends Bot Lane Champions

5. Seraphine

LoL Bot Lane Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7) 2

Do not underestimate the strength and skills of this charming songstress! Many would think that Seraphine’s kit fits better as a support, but she boasts the versatility of being a damage dealer, too! As of the early 14.7 patch, she also ranks third in bot lane win rating, outranking even the most popular ADCs like Varus and Caitlyn. 

4. Veigar

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Veigar’s kit brings some serious power to the bot lane. Among my favorite aspects of this Champion (who used to be my main) is his Q and passive. Once you master hitting Champions and farming minions with his Q, it becomes a late-game nightmare with the bonus Ability Power. 

Luden’s Echo is an excellent pick for Veigar, granting him a significant boost in ability power, mana, and cooldown reduction—all of which Veigar enjoys. Rabadon’s Deathcap is another necessary item, increasing his ability power to stratospheric proportions and making his burst damage even more lethal.

3. Jinx

LoL Bot Lane Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7) 4

You can never go wrong with picking Jinx for a bot-lane showdown. Jinx boasts some of the longest attack range in the bot lane with her minigun, Pow-Pow! Meanwhile, it could also change into a high-speed machine gun for short-ranged and face-to-face battles that need a quick killing. 

My top pick for Jinx’s items will always be the Kraken Slayer. Her higher attack speed and increased damage make her a lethal criminal who could carry your ranked games. 

2. Senna

LoL Bot Lane Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7) 5

Part marksman, part support, Senna is a hybrid champion who can heal allies and snipe enemies from afar. Senna’s skills, especially her Piercing Darkness (Q), let her heal both herself and her teammates while also poking opponents from a safe distance. Her long-range poke and sustain make it hard to trade and offer useful sustain for long-duration battles.

1. Kog’Maw

LoL Bot Lane Tier List: Best Champions Ranked (Patch 14.7) 6

Kog’Maw isn’t just a good bot-lane champion in League of Legends—he’s a late-game hypercarry, capable of shredding through even the toughest tanks. While Kog’Maw focuses on damage, his abilities offer some utility too.  Void Spike (W) slows enemies, helping him kite and create space, while Living Artillery (E) can shred through tanks and clear minion waves quickly.

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