LoL Jungle Tier List: Best Junglers Ranked (Patch 14.7)

LoL Jungle Tier List: Best Junglers Ranked (Patch 14.7) 1

Ready to conquer the League of Legends Jungle and lead your team to victory? Look no further. We’ve ranked the best Jungle champions in LoL for you!

Updated on April 16, 2024: We ensured that the current tier list is up-to-date and relevant for all players. We will continue to update it with the latest League of Legends patch and in-game item or meta changes.

Many prefer to choose lane roles in League of Legends’ competitive gameplay. But as overlooked as the Jungle role is in the selection stage, this position can determine whether you’re on your way to a winning streak or a sad stride of defeat. 

As a jungler, you are more than simply a player; you are your team’s lifeblood, the unsung hero who controls the game’s tempo and creates opportunities for success. You’re out in the jungle, strategizing your next move, ambushing gullible enemies, and changing the tide of battle with well-timed ganks while everyone else is locked in their lanes.

So, without further ado, let’s delve into our list of the best Jungle Champions in League of Legends!

League of Legends Jungle Champions Tier list

S+Ivern, Bel’Veth, Kha’Zix, Rengar, Gwen
SBriar, Fiddlesticks Volibear, Kindred, Rumble, Warwick
ABrand, Shaco, Nidalee, Lilia, Rammus,  Xin Zhao, Viego, Kayn, Evelynn, Vi
BGraves, Lee Sin, Gragas, Jax, Karthus, Udyr, Elise, Rell, Master Yi
CHecarim, Diana, Warwick, Poppy, Reksai
DJarvan IV, Taliyah, Shyvana, Nunu & William, Sejuani, Amumu, Maokai

Top 5 Best League of Legends Jungle Champions

5. Belveth

LoL Jungle Tier List: Best Junglers Ranked (Patch 14.7) 2

Bel’Veth’s arsenal of crowd-control skills makes him a nightmare for opponents who find themselves in his path. 

The core of Bel’Veth’s kit is adaptability. With her ultimate, Endless Feast, she may restore herself and create minions after being taken down, turning her into a terrifying void creature. Because of her snowballing potential, she is a late-game monster.

4. Gwen

LoL Jungle Tier List: Best Junglers Ranked (Patch 14.7) 3

Don’t be fooled by Gwen’s charming appearance. The Hallowed Seamstress is to be feared in the Summoners’ Rift! As League of Legends’ latest jungler addition, many favored Gwen. 

Gwen excels at extended fights thanks to her passive, Severed Threads. This makes her a durable nightmare for squishy opponents in the jungle, healing her equally on the damage she causes.

In terms of build priorities, items like Riftmaker or Nashor’s Tooth provide Gwen with the sustain and damage she needs to secure early kills and snowball her lead. As the game progresses, take note of items like Zhonya’s Hourglass as a safety net in hectic team fights or Wit’s End to tear through tanks.

3. Briar

Put an end to predictable and slow ganks with Briar, a monster of movement. Her Head Rush ability allows her to zoom across the battlefield, stunning enemies and setting up easy kills for your laners.

Briar’s kill list consists of champions who rely on burst damage. So make sure to pick her when faced against burst ultimate or burst damage enemies!

2. Ivern

LoL Jungle Tier List: Best Junglers Ranked (Patch 14.7) 4

Ivern might not be a damage powerhouse, but his map control, utility, and ability to empower his team make him a truly unique and valuable jungler. 

Ivern’s kit revolves around helping and supporting his team. Thanks to his passive ability, Friend of the Forest, he can rapidly eliminate jungle camps without force. This ability allows him to become friends with them, which allows him to clear the jungle more quickly and provide his allies an advantage in the lane by sharing buffs with them.

1. Rek’Sai

LoL Jungle Tier List: Best Junglers Ranked (Patch 14.7) 5

Rek’Sai’s mobility and engage potential make her a potent ganker, capable of closing the gap on enemy laners with her abilities’ knock-up combo. With her tunneling ability, Reksai can appear seemingly out of nowhere, catching enemies off guard for devastating ganks.

Titanic Hydra is a core item for Rek’Sai, providing her with bonus health and attack damage, as well as an active that enhances her burst damage potential. Black Cleaver is another strong choice, as it grants Rek’Sai bonus health, attack damage, and armor penetration, while also shredding the armor of enemy champions hit by her abilities.

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